Cosmetic Services


Radiofrequency Exilis™ is a nonsurgical option for fat reduction and tissue tightening anywhere on the body. The Exilis™ device uses radiofrequency energy combined with cooling, enabling treatment of all areas of the body where stubborn fatty deposits persist or tighter, firmer skin is desired. The procedure uses safe radio waves to heat the skin and target fat cells. The thermal energy causes the fat cells to shrink while at the same time strengthening and stimulating the collagen that improves skin laxity and texture. The Exilis™ therapy sessions take 15-30 minutes and are typically done once a week for four weeks. Results are gradual and it may take 2-3 months to maximize the effects of treatment. There is no downtime, no pain, and no anesthesia.

Common treatment sites include:

  • love handles
  • breasts
  • abdomen
  • face
  • jowls
  • décolletage
  • arms
  • bra fat
  • thighs
  • hips
  • buttocks
  • stomach
  • neckline
  • knees

Botox® Cosmetic is a purified protein that relaxes muscles responsible for some types of facial and neck wrinkles. Botox® Cosmetic treatment is for both men and women seeking an improved appearance with fewer fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure is a quick, uses only a tiny needle, and requires no surgery or downtime. Botox® Cosmetic is also used for the treatment of excessive sweating.

Common treatment sites include:

  • Between eyes
  • Eyebrow
  • Forehead
  • Crow's feet
  • Laugh lines surrounding mouth
  • Chin
  • Neck bands

Radiesse® is a synthetic injectable filler used for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Radiesse® is a compound of microspheres in a gel and it is synthesized from the same mineral found in bone. Radiesse® replenishes lost volume and restores collagen. The result is immediate and long lasting.

The procedure itself takes only fifteen minutes and the discomfort is minimized by the use of a local anesthetic. After injection, patients may experience redness, burning or swelling, but these symptoms resolve within a few days.

Common treatment sites include:

  • Cheek
  • Laugh lines
  • Post-rhinoplasty defects
  • Marionette lines
  • Chin
  • Mental crease
  • Jaw line

Juvederm® is an injectable gel made of hyaluronic acid that is used to reduce moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds. Juvederm® restores volume and instantly enhances appearance. Results last up to a year.

Since all women’s needs are different, we provide a customized treatment plan using two formulations: Juvederm® Ultra XC and Juvederm® Ultra Plus XC. One gives us the ability to contour and add volume to wrinkles and folds, and the other is a more robust formula that helps those with deeper wrinkles and folds.

Juvederm® is premixed with a local anesthetic, therefore numbing the skin and minimizing discomfort. Bruising and swelling may occur after the procedure, but typically resolves within a few days.

Common treatment sites include:

  • Under eyes
  • Temples
  • Forehead
  • Laugh lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Jowls
  • Frown

As always, Dr. Suarez’s goal is to provide the best results. Please schedule a consultation appointment with our office to set up a customized treatment plan.


Belotero® is an injectable hyaluronic acid used to add volume to superficial facial wrinkles and folds.

Hyaluronic is a naturally occurring substance found in the body’s connective tissue. The supply of hyaluronic acid decreases with age but volume can be restored partially with Belotero® injections, giving a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Belotero® is unique because it can hide superficial wrinkles without causing discoloration of the skin. The results are natural and beautiful.

Belotero® injections provide immediate results that last 6-12 months. Redness, bruising and swelling can occur but typically resolve in less than one week.


With the use of fillers such Juvederm® and Radiesse®, the appearance of an elongated or wrinkled earlobe can be significantly improved. The result is a plumper, more youthful earlobe. The discomfort associated with the procedure is minimal, and it is further minimized with the use of local anesthesia.


Many girls and women are concerned about the appearance of their labia. Enlargement or protuberance of the labia minora can be improved with a simple office or outpatient surgical procedure. The goal of labioplasty is to create symmetrically reduced labia.

    Patients seeking this procedure:
  • Simply don't like the appearance of their labia
  • Have irritation or chronic infections
  • Have discomfort while playing sports
  • Have pain or interference with sexual activity
  • Feel that the labia actually bulges in their underwear

Vaginoplasty is the surgical remodeling of the entrance and the walls of the vagina. This procedure improves appearance and laxity of the vagina and can be performed in the office with local anesthesia or as a hospital outpatient surgical procedure.

    Vaginoplasty accomplishes:
  • Improved aesthetic appearance of vaginal entrance and hymen
  • Narrowing of the vaginal canal resulting in increased “tightness”

Common anatomical conditions of the hymen can lead to pain with insertion of a tampon or the inability to have intercourse. In some cases, the hymen is completely sealed, interfering with the flow of menstrual blood. These problems can be easily corrected with a simple surgical procedure in the office or the hospital.